Welfare & Caring

We have a dedicated team of male and female volunteers who meet approximately every six weeks to discuss ways in which they can offer any ongoing assistance to our community.

These volunteers regularly contact our members by telephone to check if everything is ok and to enquire if any help or advice is needed. In some cases a personal visit may be required from one of the volunteers or Rabbi Yuval, which can be arranged.

Two parties are organised each year (Summer and Chanukah) to which our members are invited. We offer refreshments and professional entertainment completely free of charge. These events are attended by over 90 guests and we are always grateful to receive a host of positive comments of appreciation afterwards.

Please note that the Welfare Committee is also available for every congregant (of whatever age) who may need support or assistance in times of need or trouble, to offer a friendly ear or to allay any worries or concerns to the best of our ability.

Please contact Andre Grossman via the Synagogue office or email welfare@sps.uk.com

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