Wednesday 25th December, 2024 6:00 pm to Thursday 2nd January, 2025 6:00 pm

Chanukah is one of the highlights of our Festival year when we congregate in the Schindler Hall, seated round the tables and admiring all the different Chanukiot that members have brought with them.  The service starts with everyone who has brought their Shabbat candles, lighting them and then different people are asked to read parts of the service, which leads to them each lighting one of the 8 candles on the Synagogue Chanukiah, whilst those who have brought their own Chanukiah also light their candles. Seeing all the candles alight on the tables is a delight to behold.

Following the service we are able to enjoy another chavurah supper (bring & share), this time co-ordinated to ensure there are not too many latkes and nothing else!

The evening concludes with some form of entertainment.