Ten days after Rosh Hashanah is the Holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur. Kol Nidrei, the evening service, is one of the most spiritual of the year and sets the scene for a long day of fasting and prayer.
As with Rosh Hashanah, we offer mitzvot to involved members of our community. Our morning and additional services are continuous but then there is a break for study, if one wishes, or just for a walk before resuming for the afternoon, memorial and concluding services.
Again, as with Rosh Hashanah, we offer a family service in the morning, where the story of Jonah is often acted by families.
As Yom Kippur draws to a close, the shofar is again sounded, signalling the end of these Days of Awe. Finally, Havdallah completes the day, as families return to their homes to break their fast.
Weather permitting, the building of the sukkah is traditionally started after the service, as we prepare for the harvest festival of Sukkot.