Calendar of Events
12 events found.
Erev Shabbat informal service and Chavurah bring and share supper
An early informal service and Chavurah bring and share supper. Please contact Barbara Martin by email on for catering purposes.
Shabbat Family Service
If you have a Yahrzeit and would like to have a mitzvah either on Zoom or at the Synagogue, please email the office and we will […]
Shabbat Morning Service
If you have a Yahrzeit and would like to have a mitzvah either on Zoom or at the Synagogue, please email the office and we will allocate the reading of your […]
Saturday Morning Shiur
Rabbi Michael’s monthly lunch-and-learn Shiur at around 12.30 pm in the Baron Harris Room. Lunch will not be provided; it will, instead, be a Chavura-style lunch - please bring for […]