Governance and Safeguarding

As a registered charity, Southgate Progressive Synagogue (SPS) is required by The Charity Commission UK to have a number of governance policies by which we operate.  These are:


Anti-Discrimination and Equal Opportunities

We strive to provide a safe environment to work, learn, and worship at Southgate Progressive Synagogue.  Please click here to view our detailed policy.


Code of Conduct and Ethos

To read the overriding shared values of Southgate Progressive Synagogue and our community, please click here to view.



If you have any complaint to make about the actions of an employee or volunteer, including trustees, vice-presidents, and Rabbinic team, please first click here to view our comprehensive Complaints Policy, including the process to follow and the appropriate person to contact.

Conflict of Interest

The Trustees of the Synagogue (SPS Council) have a moral and legal duty to act in the Synagogue’s best interests.  Council members may have personal and professional connections that bring benefits to the community, but these may give rise to a conflict of interest. Other conflicts might arise in connection with staff, volunteers, and members.

The Charity Commission expects trustees to identify and address any potential Conflict of Interest; therefore, to assist us, we have a Conflicts of Interest policy, the full content of which can be viewed here.

Data Protection and Privacy

Similarly, the Trustees of the Synagogue (SPS Council) have a legal duty to uphold and maintain your privacy as a member by protecting and appropriately managing the personal data we hold, which you have provided to enable us to communicate with you and offer the full benefits of SPS membership – worship, learning and meeting.  This policy can be viewed here.  There is also a link in the banner at the bottom of every page of this website that gives direct access to our 'SPS Data Privacy Notice' which succinctly summarises the policy.

Environmental and Sustainability

Southgate Progressive Synagogue is proud to be a Bronze Award ECOSynagogue.  Please click here to view our detailed environmental and sustainability policy.


This policy outlines the financial management practices and procedures to be followed by Southgate Progressive Synagogue as a not-for-profit religious charity registered in the UK.  The policy (please click here to view it) aims to ensure transparency, accountability, and compliance with the relevant financial regulations while supporting our mission and goals for our members.

Health and Safety

At Southgate Progressive Synagogue it is our duty of care to ensure your safety whether you work here, volunteer here, or are a member of our community worshipping here.  Please click here to view our comprehensive Health & Safety policy.

Risk Management

It is inevitable that some risks will always exist; the Southgate Progressive Synagogue Trustees (Executive and Council) acknowledge their commitment to manage and minimise risk and this policy outlines our approach.  Please click here to view our more detailed policy.


We also have a Safeguarding Policy (view here), likewise updated at regular intervals, that gives details of how to recognise issues with child protection and safeguarding of adults at risk, and how to report any such incidents to the SPS Safeguarding Team should you encounter them within the Synagogue, Religion School, or Community.


Like most Synagogues, Southgate Progressive Synagogue is primarily organised and run by volunteers and has only a small number of employed staff - ‘Where would we be without our volunteers?!’ – so it is appropriate and only right that we have a policy covering the roles of our many volunteers.  Please click here to read the policy.

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