  • Pesach

    Saturday April 12 2025, 6:00 pm to Sunday April 20 2025, 6:00 pm

    Following the tradition of other LJ Synagogues, at SPS we do not hold a service for Erev Pesach but many families conduct their own Seder at home.  Our practice has also been to “marry up” people who have no-one to share a Seder with, with a family who is happy to invite them.  There is always a 1st day Pesach service, followed, in the evening, with the communal Seder which, as we are an inclusive Synagogue, is open to everyone.  A collection is usually made, with the money being donated to the specified charity for that year.

    As LJ has updated it’s Haggadah (prayer book for Pesach), so have we and are now using the latest version, which includes a child-friendly Seder.  Children are encouraged to participate in the Seder, being it reciting the Mah Nishtana, to finding the Afikomen, for which there is a prize.  Families are also included in helping to lead the service.

    Pesach concludes with an Erev (last night) service, followed by a 7th day morning service, which includes the dedication of leaves on the Memorial Tree.

  • Yom Ha’zikaron & Yom Ha’atzmaut

    Wednesday April 30 2025, 6:00 pm to Thursday May 1 2025, 6:00 pm

    We commemorate Yom Ha’zikaron (Israel’s official Remembrance Day) and celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day) with a service. Normally, as with all Jewish activities, food is served, this time Israeli style with falafel, humus, tahini, Israeli salad and pitta bread.  We usually have a talk, quiz, film show or other form of entertainment.


  • Rosh Hashanah

    Monday September 22 2025, 6:00 pm to Tuesday September 23 2025, 6:00 pm

    Rosh Hashanah is on 1st Tishri.  On the Shabbat nearest this date, we hold an Selichot Service, which traditionally should start late.  We, as with other communities, tend to start earlier, about 9pm.  At this service we change the Torah mantles from their usual coloured ones to white.  The Selichot Service is also a choral service and sets the tone for Rosh Hashanah and the 10 Days of Awe which follow, leading to Yom Kippur.

    At Rosh Hashanah we have a round challah to show that the world is round and that the years are continuous.  We do not put salt on the challah but dip it in honey, as we hope for a sweet new year.  We also wish each other l’shanah tovah – a good year.

    We also use a different prayer book, a Makzor, which is used only for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services.  In our regular prayer book, Siddur Lev Chadash, we have additional prayers during the Amida and these are recited during the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

    Our tradition is to offer mitzvot to members who have contributed to SPS life during the year, whether on committees, contacting members, regular attendance at Shabbat services or helping with social or other events.  We also hold a family service aimed at all ages but primarily for those members who want to bring their children to a service they can understand and be part of.

    The sounding of the shofar heralds the start of the Erev Rosh Hashanah service and also forms an important part of the morning service.

    Rosh Hashanah concludes with Havdallah.

  • Yom Kippur

    Wednesday October 1 2025, 6:00 pm to Thursday October 2 2025, 6:00 pm

    Ten days after Rosh Hashanah is the Holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur.  Kol Nidrei, the evening service, is one of the most spiritual of the year and sets the scene for a long day of fasting and prayer.

    As with Rosh Hashanah, we offer mitzvot to involved members of our community.  Our morning and additional services are continuous but then there is a break for study, if one wishes, or just for a walk before resuming for the afternoon, memorial and concluding services.

    Again, as with Rosh Hashanah, we offer a family service in the morning, where the story of Jonah is often acted by families.

    As Yom Kippur draws to a close, the shofar is again sounded, signalling the end of these Days of Awe.  Finally, Havdallah completes the day, as families return to their homes to break their fast.

    Weather permitting, the building of the sukkah is traditionally started after the service, as we prepare for the harvest festival of Sukkot.

  • Sukkot

    Monday October 6 2025, 6:00 pm to Sunday October 12 2025, 6:00 pm

    Sukkot is the final of the 3 harvest festivals and is celebrated by the building of a sukkah.  Our sukkah is a permanent wooden structure, open to the skies, so one can see the stars.  It is covered with laurel leaves, many of which are taken from our own garden and were planted for that purpose.

    Children and adults, bring fruit and we hold a “Sukkah Decorating Event”, where children draw pictures to decorate the sukkah, usually of the Ushpizin, spiritual guests, who we invite to share our sukkah with us.  Adults string the fruit and together we decorate the sukkah.

    At SPS, instead of having one lulav (the four species mentioned in the Torah, consisting of the myrtle, the willow, the palm branch and etrog,) and an etrog (citron fruit), we buy a few which are passed around the congregation during the Hallel, so that everyone can be part of this mitzvah.

    Kiddush, weather permitting, is always held in the sukkah.

  • Simchat Torah

    Tuesday October 14 2025, 7:30 pm to Wednesday October 15 2025, 7:30 pm

    At Simchat Torah we offer the special mitzvah of finishing reading the Torah, which ends with the death of Moses, to either a Chatan (bridegroom) or Kallah (bride) of the Torah and immediately we start reading from the beginning of the Torah, with the birth of creation, again offering the mitzvah to either a Chatan or Kallah Bereishit.

    Following the Torah readings and Bible (evening service) or Haftorah (morning service), the Sifrei Torah are all taken from the Ark and paraded round the Synagogue, at least seven times.  Everyone is encouraged to dance round the Synagogue with any of the Sifrei Torah, some being quite small and light and others heavy.  No-one is excluded.  There is singing and dancing, as this is a joyous festival, and apples, flags and sweets are distributed.

    After Kiddush in the Sukkah, the fruit is distributed to those on site and the rest, as long as it is in good condition, is taken to one of the local care homes, for the residents.  It has also been known for chutney to be made fromthe fruit that has gone soft!

  • Chanukah

    Sunday December 14 2025, 6:00 pm to Monday December 22 2025, 6:00 pm

    Chanukkah, the festival of light and freedom, is one of the highlights of our year.  Usually on the Erev Shabbat during Chanukkah we congregate in the Schindler Hall, seated round the large table admiring all the different Chanukkiot that members have brought with them.

    The evening begins with different families being asked to read parts of the service, leading to them each lighting one of the 8 candles on the large Synagogue Chanukkiah, whilst those who have brought their own Chanukiah also light their candles up to the correct number for that evening. Seeing all the candles alight on the table is a delight to behold.

    Shabbat candles are then lit and the Erev Shabbat service proceeds.  Following the service we are able to enjoy a chavurah (bring & share) supper, this time coordinated to ensure there are not too many latkes and doughnuts, but nothing else!

    The evening concludes with some form of entertainment, usually involving singing some songs led by one of our SPS musicians on the piano.

    Previous years’ celebrations have included a lunch and party after the Shabbat morning service, a short playlet by the children in Ruach, a Chanukkah quiz, followed by afternoon tea, Havdalah, and concluding with the lighting of the appropriate number of Chanukkah candles on the large Synagogue Chanukkiah.

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