Ruach provides a Jewish education for children from 5 to 16, encompassing Bar/Bat Mitzvah at 13, and Kabbalat Torah at the end of their studies. Upon graduation, most young people continue to help in various ways, such as becoming enthusiastic young assistants working alongside Ruach teachers.
Our students come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences; some are attending Jewish schools, others are learning about Judaism for the first time, some come from Jewish families, and some from mixed-faith families. All are welcome and nurtured.
The mission of Ruach is to provide a framework of learning within the community, which offers a broad and stimulating foundation in Jewish education, to foster a Liberal Jewish identity, and to be a place of value, nurture, meaning and warmth for a child to grow and learn.
Our curriculum covers the Bible, Jewish literature, diverse customs and traditions within the Jewish Community, festivals, Shabbat, life-cycle, history, and Hebrew. Older students will learn about the Holocaust, and Jewish values, ethics and morals. The curriculum is constantly updated to reflect current educational thinking and Liberal Jewish ideology.
Ruach students learn to read Hebrew and develop an understanding of our prayers and the Torah, so they can follow and join in with services. Every week we begin with Tefillah (prayer assembly), led by the Rabbi and the Head Teacher.
Children will understand that they are part of a religion that encompasses many different branches of Judaism. Ultimately, with a secure identity, they can participate fully in open society, as confident Jews.
For more information, or if you are interested in enrolling your child/children, please contact religionschool@sps.uk.com
Family Education
We believe that a child’s Jewish Identity is formed not just by attending religion school, but with support from the family too. We aim to run Family Education sessions during Shabbat mornings on a regular basis, to enable parents and children to learn together. All SPS families are welcome and encouraged to participate in these events, whether or not their children attend Ruach. At SPS, a family can be one person or more.